Cahiers d’Economie Politique is published twice a year, with a varia issue in June and a thematic issue in December. Varia issues include papers submitted at the initiative of their authors on a variety of topics, while thematic issues are systematically preceded by calls for papers.

Varia Issues :

The journal publishes articles in French and English. Submitted papers must represent original work not published elsewhere, with rare exceptions. Papers should not be under consideration for publication at another journal during the refereeing process at Cahiers. When a submitted paper is in line with the editorial policy of the journal, it is reviewed by two anonymous referees. The procedure is double-blind as the author’s anonymity is also preserved. Referees have six weeks to provide their reports and the editorial board makes publication decisions after a collective discussion.

The outcome of the revision process can be: ‘accept as is’, ‘accept with revision’, ‘reject and resubmit’, or ‘reject’. If a paper is resubmitted, it is reviewed by the referees or by at least one member of the editorial board.

Varia issues include as additional sections:

  • Debates, for comments and replies to other papers published in the journal;
  • Bibliographic notes, with book reviews;
  • Publication information, with notes on the publication of manuscripts and books that were previously unpublished or out of print.

Thematic Issues:

Thematic issues include papers presented at conferences or workshops whose organizing committee includes at least one member of the editorial board or of the scientific committee of Cahiers. Papers submitted in response to the call are first selected by the organizing committee of the conference or workshop, then by the scientific committee of the Cahiers.

For proceedings to be published in this form, conference organizers are invited to contact the journal’s editorial board since release of their call for papers.

Given the duration of the refeeing and copyediting processes, the selected papers must be submitted to the journal at least one year before the expected date of publication.

Contributions to all sections are peer-reviewed before publication.

General instructions to authors:

Each submission must be sent by e-mail (Word for Windows or Word-RTF) to and to

In order to maintain anonymity during the refereeing process, the cover page should summarize information on the author’s identity and should be clearly separated from the main body of the text.

Papers should not exceed 10 000 words in length and must contain an abstract, 4-5 keywords, and JEL classification codes. They must comply with the following style guidelines:

  • Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of each page;
  • References to books or articles should be placed in the main body of the text in the following form: (last name, year, page number);
  • The full list of references should be placed at the end of the paper, with the following style rules:
    • For books: last name, first name(s), year of publication, title, publication place, name of publisher.
    • For articles: last name, first name(s), year of publication, “title”, name of the journal, references, page numbers.