49. L'agent économique : théorie et histoire.
Introduction de Daniel Diatkine et Philippe Steiner (p.7)
Stefano Fiori. "Individual and Self-Interest in Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations." (p. 19)
Caroline Gerschlager. "Beyond economic man: Adam Smith's concept of the agent and the role of deception." (p.31)
Michel S. Zouboulakis. "On the social character of rationality in Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill." (p.51)
Alain Clément. "Changing perceptions of the poor in classical economic thought." (p.65)
Ragip Ege. "L'agent économique dans la philosophie du droit hégélienne." (p. 87)
André Legris. "Théorie de l'action, rationalité et et Ludovic Ragni conception de l'individu chez Pareto." (p. 103)
Heino Heinrich Nau. "Institutional, evolutionary and cultural aspects in Max Weber's social economics." (p.127)
Maurice Lagueux. "L'agent économique : rationalité maximale ou minimale." (p. 143)
Manuel Fernández-Grela. "The hycksian consumer." (p. 159)
Nicola Giocoli. "Modeling rational agents the consistency view of rationality and the changing image of neoclassical economics." (p.177)
Luigi L. Pasinetti. "Pure theory VS. full economic analysis – Sraffa'S riddle." (p. 211)